Are you ready for college? Do you even feel like you’re ready for college? I can tell you right now that you are, even if you don’t believe it. Going off to college can seem intimidating right now, but just know, once you’re there it’ll all be worth it!
There’s a lot that goes into prepping for college. You’ve got to apply to schools, scholarships, find a roommate, get your books and supplies, etc. Here are a few tips that are hopefully helpful as you prepare to take on the next chapter of your life:
- When you’re picking out what schools to apply for, think about what they have to offer that makes you feel the most comfortable. It could be the town it’s located in, the class sizes, 2-year college vs. a 4-year university, how far away from home it is, etc. The more comfort factors you find in a college, the more likely you are to enjoy the time spent there.
- Think about what kind of classes you would like to take. You don’t have to pick a major right off the bat, but having an idea of what you would like to study will help you figure out what you’d like your major to be after your first semester or year.
- Once you decide on a school, or even before, go visit the campus. Get a feel for the place where you are looking to spend the next 2-4 years of your life. If you familiarize yourself with your surroundings it won’t feel as foreign and your anxiety will drop tenfold, I promise.
- Apply for as many scholarships as you can. There are more scholarships available than you’d ever believe. Talk to your school counselor about all the options available to you. Here at CKEC, we offer scholarships to seniors in our service territory. (see link below)
- The most important piece of advice that I can give you is to not worry. Applying for college and scholarships is a piece of cake. Yes, you have to actually sit down and work to get them done, but it’s worth it in the end.
Hopefully, these tips will be as useful to you as they were to me. Good luck in all of your endeavors, Seniors!
CKenergy is offering TWELVE $500 scholarships to seniors in our service territory! Students can find contest information and application at You can also contact us at 405-656-2322 for more information.
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